In the course of any given business day your company vehicle passes thousands of drivers on the highway. Research shows automobiles with a vehicle wrap get between 30,000 and 70,000 views EVERY DAY.
Unlike billboards or the yellow pages, where advertising is static, vehicle wrapped cars, vans, and trucks are on the move and interfacing with many segments of the population. Everywhere your company car goes, your advertising goes with you.
The Monster Energy Drink company in DC wanted a bold, cost effective, and dynamic way to advertise on their fleet vehicles. The company logo was already widely known by the public and transferring that image to their cargo vans was a smart and easy way to reinforce product visibility.
Are you frustrated by the limitations of static adveritsing? Would you like your company to be presented to thousands of people every day as you simply go about your business? Don’t get cranky! Get a Creative solution!
If you don’t have a logo, we have graphic art designers who can help you develop one. Our wraps are professionally created from the design to the installation. Fleet vehicle wraps are a monstrously good idea!
Call Capital Wraps today for a free estimate for your company vehicle wrap.
Capital Wraps is a premier Custom Wraps and Graphics company is located in Washington DC. For more information on vehicle wraps, fleet wraps, or our other graphic products please contact Capital Wraps at 877.775.WRAP or visit www.capitalwraps.com